How To Whiten Your Teeth

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Everyone wants a nice, bright smile. However, over time, teeth may start to look less bright. Years of food and beverages can darken teeth; however, there is the chance to brighten your smile again using one of the numerous teeth whitening options available.

The Dentist’s Procedure

Though more expensive than other options, getting your teeth whitened by a dentist is quick, safe, and can lighten your teeth up to eight shades. After covering your gums with a protective shield or gel, your dentist will apply a whitening agent to your teeth. This agent has a high quantity of peroxide and its effect will be intensified with the use of a light or laser.

At-Home Options

These options take longer to have an effect and are more likely to irritate the gums or cause tooth sensitivity. However, if you’re looking for an inexpensive option, then this is the way to go.

  • Whitening Toothpaste: Using chemicals and abrasives, this toothpaste dissolves surface stains.
  • Whitening Strips: These thin, clear strips have a peroxide gel to bleach your teeth.
  • Whitening Gel: This peroxide gel can either be spread on your teeth with a brush or filled into a mouth guard that you bite down on.

Things To Remember About Teeth Whitening

  • Teeth whitening options are most effective on yellow teeth. Teeth that are brown don’t bleach as well and teeth that are gray may not whiten at all.
  • Fillings and bondings are not affected by whitening procedures. If you have such dental repairs on the front of your teeth, then consider other options such as veneers or crowns.
  • Teeth whitening is not permanent. You will need to apply it again over time. Avoiding foods and drinks known to stain teeth is also advised.