What Can I Expect with Wisdom Tooth Removal?

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The wisdom teeth are a very complex part of your smile, and they are different for each patient. This can cause many patients to have questions about their wisdom teeth, especially if they are considering having these molars removed. Dr. Brandon Schvaneveldt and our team are pleased to address concerns on wisdom tooth removal. To help you have an idea of what to expect when your wisdom teeth are removed, we address a few frequently asked questions.

Do all of my wisdom teeth need to be removed?
Typically, any wisdom teeth present in your mouth will be removed to prevent the risk of future oral health complications, but this doesn’t apply to every patient because some people don’t develop all four wisdom teeth or require tooth extraction for these molars.

What types of anesthesia are available?
Your main options for anesthesia to keep treatment comfortable are general and local. General anesthesia causes patients to feel groggy and sleepy, so arrange for a ride home if you choose this option. Local anesthesia means you will be awake yet comfortable during the procedure. You can speak with our dentist about which type is most ideal for you.

What is the estimated time length to extract wisdom teeth?
Treatment time depends on the complexity of the procedure and how many wisdom teeth are being extracted, so we can’t guarantee a set time length.

You are welcome to contact Ridge View Smile Care at 435-752-1434 today to arrange a consultation for wisdom tooth removal in Logan, Utah.